Before Entering Kindergarten

All children have different learning experiences before entering school. Here are some things you can begin to work on with your child to help give them a good start when they enter Kindergarten.

Care for Personal Needs

  • Can blow nose, cover sneeze
  • Is independent in using the toilet
  • Can wash own hands
  • Can snap, button, zipper or belt own pants
  • Can take off and put on coat
  • Can tie shoes
  • Recognizes own possessions: jacket, lunchbox, etc.
  • Can eat unassisted


  • Will listen to an adult and do as told
  • Can cooperate with other children
  • Can play with other children without hitting or biting
  • Can sit for short periods (10 min.)
  • Can follow a rule
  • Understands and follows oral directions


  • Shows an interest in books and reading
  • Holds book and turns pages correctly
  • Knows some songs, rhymes
  • Participates in rhyming games
  • Identifies some letters (especially those in own name)
  • Identifies labels and signs in the environment
  • Pretends to read and write
  • Knows first and last name
  • Knows names of family members
  • Can tell about an experience
  • Can tell and retell familiar stories
  • Can communicate personal needs
  • Can use crayons, pencil, scissors
  • Expresses ideas with drawings
  • Is willing to try to complete a task


  • Eats at regular times each day
  • Gets eight or more hours of sleep at night
  • Can run, jump, climb, swing and use balls